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May 9, 2000

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From a DARK Ages Art into a DIGITAL Ages Science

Montreal, Canada

Pricing, the art of finding the most profitable price for products, is stuck in the Dark Ages. Or so claims (, a startup Internet company from Montreal, Canada. Their first-on-the-Net solution, called "Make Your Price Sell!" (MYPS!), uses the power and ease of the Web to give businesses the "perfect price" for their products with scientific precision.

"Correct pricing is the single most important marketing decision that any company will ever make," says Dr. Ken Evoy, CEO of "But look up 'pricing' on any search engine on the Web -- you'll find virtually nothing of use to business people. The inexact, old-world way of pricing still dominates. "

Large companies hire high-powered pricing consultants to determine the perfect price for products. Smaller enterprises? They mix cost of production, overhead, benefits, competition, business model, and other factors into the "magic pricing pot"... and then pick a number! Yes, age-old "gut feel" is still the technique of choice.

As a result, marketers are never sure if they have chosen the absolute best, profit-maximizing price, what calls "The Perfect Price." Indeed, the MYPS! charts and graphs show that if you miss that Perfect Price by even a few percentage points, it can make a difference of 50% or more to your bottom line... even the difference between success and failure. "As we move out of the Internet's hype phase, serious companies will need to make a profit," says Evoy. "It all starts by setting the absolutely perfect price. MYPS! is the first and only product on the Net to do that."

How does it work? The MYPS! software runs on's server-side, Web-based computers. Since it's all Web-based, clients do not need to download or install anything. Instead, MYPS! is immediately ready to...

  • Customize a scientifically designed, totally unique and patent-pending questionnaire
  • Record and store the answers to the questionnaire
  • Run patent-pending analytical models on the data
  • Present precise bar charts and line graphs that clearly point out the Perfect Price. seems confident about their server-side pricing software. They refuse payment upfront! They only accept payment after companies use it. And they insist that companies only pay according to the value they receive. Why? "MYPS! is a radical concept," says Evoy. "But it works! We don't want companies to be dissuaded by an upfront price tag. We'd rather that they use it first and then name their own Perfect Price."